Battery Guard for Notebooks - присмотри за своей батарейкой!

Battery Guard for Notebooks - Screenshots


Battery Guard for Notebooks is a program to display the notebook battery charge as colored bar.

The bar is situated on the edge of the screen, always on top, always in sight. It does not interfere with work, but allows to notice the reduction of battery power to the critical in time.

As the reduction of the charge indicator bar changes color from green to yellow, and then - from yellow to red. Upon reaching the critical level of charge indicator bar starts blinking. All levels are adjusted.

Indicator bar can be placed on either side of the screen.

By moving the cursor on the display or on the tray icon pops up a window with additional information on the status of the battery.

The frequency of monitoring of the battery is configured separately for the normal state and the critical.


The Indicator bar

The bar is green now. This means that the battery level is high. When it becomes yellow - it is worth considering, and if he blushed - urgently looking for a socket!

When the battery is charging, the indicator is blue.

The Tray icon

Clicking the right mouse button on tray icon opens a menu. With its help you can call the Option dialog.

Another way to invoke the Option dialog - double-click the left mouse button.

Single-clicking the left button redraws the bar.

When you mouse over the icon appears an info window.

The Info window

Info window shows the battery status (whether the process of charge, whether it at all), the level of charge in percentage and time left work.

The window can be seen by pointing the cursor on the test strips or Tray icon.

The Options dialog

Settings dialog allows you to control the location of the indicator, charge level for different color display and redraw time indicator.

Mirror mode lets you see the "missing charge" (Constant) or reduce the occupied space on the screen, showing a smaller part of the strip (Minimal). Normal mode disables the mirror mode.

Demo graphic mode allows you to see the functioning of the program in the absence of the battery (on a desktop PC).

Alex Konuhoff.

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